Learned Three Types Of Hackers (White Hat, Black Hat, Grey Hat)

Source: Hacking Point

Did you know? There are three kinds of Hackers:
  • White Hat Hackers, or ethical hackers
  • Black Hat Hackers, or cyber criminal
  • Grey Hat Hackers, or mixture of two above
First, White Hat Hackers: The white hat hackers are work for the companies. They keep the data safe from other hackers by doing hard labor. A white hat hacker breaks security for non-malicious reasons, either to test their own security system, perform penetration tests or vulnerability. assessments for a client or while working  for a security company which makes security software.
They are the "Ethical Hackers", experts in compromosing computer security systems who use their abilities for good, ethical, and legal purposes

Second, Black Hat Hackers: They are the opposite of the White-hat hackers. Black hat hackers are also known as crackers or dark-side hackers. The general view is that, while hackers build things, crackers break things. Just like create a virus, steal passwords, etc

Third, Grey Hat Hackers. They are a combination of both. The Grey Hat Hackers sometimes do the good things, and sometimes do the bad things. I think they are more dangerous then Black or White hat hackers. Because they can do anything, what they want. 

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